What Are Hooks in WordPress? Hooks are functions that can be used with a WordPress action or filter in the development of WordPress. They are a significant component of what makes WordPress customizable.
Without having to update the WordPress core code, hooks enable developers to modify or expand WordPress’ capabilities. They accomplish this by executing actions and filters, which are PHP functions that carry out operations and modify data.
The makers of plugins and themes make heavy use of them. If you’re not a coder, you may still add new features to your website by pasting code snippets from the internet. Numerous of these have hooks.
Two Types of WordPress Hooks: Actions and Filters
Actions and Filters are two categories of hooks that are available in WordPress. While filters allow you to change any data that WordPress processes and return it, actions allow you to take action at certain times throughout the WordPress runtime.
Actions are defined in the WordPress code as:
add_action('function name of target_hook', 'The_name_of_function_you_want_to_use' ,'priority_scale')
Filters are defined in the WordPress code as:
add_filter( $tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args );
Action Hook
Actions offer a method for executing a function at a certain stage of WordPress Core, plugin, and theme execution. The Action hook that called the callback function receives nothing back from the Action. They stand in opposition to Filters. The distinction between actions and filters is reviewed here.
Adding an Action
There are two steps involved in adding an action:
Build a callback function.
Make a callback function first. When the action to which it is attached runs, this function will also execute.
The callback function should be prefixed and be located in functions.php or another callable location, exactly like a regular function would. The action you are hooking to will determine the arguments it should accept; most hooks are well specified, so check the hooks docs to see the parameters the action you have chosen will provide to your function.
Assign (hook) your callback function
The action should then include your callback function. Hooking is the process of instructing an action to execute your callback function whenever the action is executed.
Use add action() to attach your callback function to the specified action after it is prepared. Add action() needs a minimum of two parameters:
string $hook_name
which is the name of the action you’re hooking to, andcallable $callback
the name of your callback function.
When the init hook is activated, the example below will call the my_callback_fun() function:
function my_callback_fun() {
// Code Here
add_action( 'init', 'my_callback_fun' );
Filter Hook
Filters give functions a means to change data while WordPress Core, plugins, and themes are running. They stand in opposition to Actions.
In contrast to actions, filters are designed to function independently and never have unintended consequences like changing output or global variables. Filters anticipate receiving something back from the user.
Adding a Filter Hook
There are two stages involved in adding a filter.
The Callback function, which will be invoked when the filter is executed, must first be created. Second, you must include your Callback function in the hook that will call the function.
The add filter() method will be used, and at least two arguments must be passed:
string $hook_name
which is the name of the filter you’re hooking to, andcallable $callback
the name of your callback function.
The add_filter() method will be used, and at least two arguments must be passed:
function function_change_grade( $grade ){
? $grade+=100;
? return $grade;
add_filter( 'change_grade', 'function_change_grade' );
To summarize…..
In summary, WordPress registers action and filter hooks at particular points throughout the creation of pages. After that, any programmer may create custom functions that latch onto these action and filter hooks. Actions (or “action functions”) can repeat messages, edit data, and pretty much anything else without having to return a result, as opposed to filters (or “filter functions,” which modify what they’re given and deliver it back through a return).
The WordPress hooks system is truly the starting point for comprehensive WordPress development, so don’t be hesitant to revisit the information, play around with it, and personalize it.
I hope now you have an idea about “What Are Hooks in WordPress?”